This project explores the feasibility of remote patient monitoring based on the analysis of 3D movements captured with smartwatches. We base our analysis on the Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movement. We have validated our research in a real case scenario for stroke rehabilitation at the Guttmann Institute5 (neurorehabilitation hospital), showing promising results. Our work could have a great impact in remote healthcare applications, improving the medical efficiency and reducing the healthcare costs. Future steps include more clinical validation, developing multi-modal analysis architectures (analysing data from sensors, images, audio, etc.), and exploring the application of our technology to monitor other neurodegenerative diseases.
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Assessing the physical condition in rehabilitation scenarios is a challenging problem, since it involves Human Activity Recognition (HAR) and kinematic analysis methods. In addition, the difficulties increase in unconstrained rehabilitation scenarios, which are much closer to the real use cases. In particular, our aim is to design an upper-limb assessment pipeline for stroke patients using smartwatches. We focus on the HAR task, as it is the first part of the assessing pipeline. Our main target is to automatically detect and recognize four key movements inspired by the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale, which are performed in both constrained and unconstrained scenarios. In addition to the application protocol and dataset, we propose two detection and classification baseline methods. We believe that the proposed framework, dataset and baseline results will serve to foster this research field.
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在本文中,我们提出了一个文本降低不变的自动编码器(Text-Diae),这是一种旨在解决两个任务的自我监督模型,即文本识别(手写或场景文本)和文档图像增强。我们首先采用基于变压器的体系结构,该体系结构将三个借口任务作为学习目标,在预训练期间必须在不使用标签数据的情况下进行优化。每个借口目标都是专门针对最终下游任务量身定制的。我们进行了几项消融实验,以确认所选借口任务的设计选择。重要的是,所提出的模型并未基于对比损失表现出先前最新方法的局限性,而同时需要更少的数据样本来收敛。最后,我们证明我们的方法超过了手写和场景文本识别和文档图像增强的现有监督和自我监督的设置中的最新设置。我们的代码和训练有素的模型将在〜\ url {http:// on_accepters}上公开提供。
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在低资源方案中的手写文本识别(例如具有稀有字母的手稿)是一个具有挑战性的问题。主要困难来自很少的注释数据和有限的语言信息(例如词典和语言模型)。因此,我们提出了一些基于学习的手写识别方法,该方法大大降低了人类劳动注释过程,只需要每个字母符号的图像很少。该方法包括检测文本图像中给定字母的所有符号,并解码获得的相似性得分与转录符号的最终顺序。我们的模型首先是在与目标域不同的任何字母内生成的合成线图像上预估计的。然后应用第二个训练步骤以减少源数据和目标数据之间的差距。由于这种重新训练将需要数千个手写符号以及其边界框的注释,因此我们建议通过无监督的渐进学习方法避免这种人类的努力,从而自动将伪标签分配给非宣布数据。对不同手稿数据集的评估表明,我们的模型可以导致竞争成果,而人类努力大大减少。该代码将在此存储库中公开可用:\ url {}
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People are not very good at detecting lies, which may explain why they refrain from accusing others of lying, given the social costs attached to false accusations - both for the accuser and the accused. Here we consider how this social balance might be disrupted by the availability of lie-detection algorithms powered by Artificial Intelligence. Will people elect to use lie detection algorithms that perform better than humans, and if so, will they show less restraint in their accusations? We built a machine learning classifier whose accuracy (67\%) was significantly better than human accuracy (50\%) in a lie-detection task and conducted an incentivized lie-detection experiment in which we measured participants' propensity to use the algorithm, as well as the impact of that use on accusation rates. We find that the few people (33\%) who elect to use the algorithm drastically increase their accusation rates (from 25\% in the baseline condition up to 86% when the algorithm flags a statement as a lie). They make more false accusations (18pp increase), but at the same time, the probability of a lie remaining undetected is much lower in this group (36pp decrease). We consider individual motivations for using lie detection algorithms and the social implications of these algorithms.
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我们解决了无监督的提取文档摘要的问题,尤其是对于长文件。我们将无监督的问题建模为稀疏自动回归的问题,并通过凸,规范约束的问题近似产生的组合问题。我们使用专用的Frank-Wolfe算法来解决它。要生成带有$ k $句子的摘要,该算法只需要执行$ \ of of K $迭代,从而非常有效。我们解释了如何避免明确计算完整梯度以及如何包括嵌入信息的句子。我们使用词汇(标准)胭脂分数以及语义(基于嵌入式)的方法对其他两种无监督的方法评估了我们的方法。我们的方法在两个数据集中取得了更好的结果,并且在与高度释义的摘要结合使用时,尤其有效。
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我们研究了在确认临床试验期间适应从给定治疗中受益的患者亚群的问题。这种自适应临床试验通常被称为自适应富集设计,已在生物统计学中进行了彻底研究,重点是构成(子)种群的有限数量的亚组(通常为两个)和少量的临时分析点。在本文中,我们旨在放宽对此类设计的经典限制,并研究如何从有关自适应和在线实验的最新机器学习文献中纳入想法,以使试验更加灵活和高效。我们发现亚种群选择问题的独特特征 - 最重要的是,(i)通常有兴趣在预算有限的情况下找到具有任何治疗益处的亚群(不一定是最大效果的单个亚组),并且(ii)(ii)在整个亚种群中只能证明有效性 - 在设计算法解决方案时引起了有趣的挑战和新的Desiderata。在这些发现的基础上,我们提出了Adaggi和Adagcpi,这是两个用于亚群构造的元算法,分别侧重于确定良好的亚组和良好的综合亚群。我们从经验上研究了它们在一系列模拟方案中的性能,并获得了对它们在不同设置的(DIS)优势的见解。
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